Name: Absalon
Tagline: Born into a famous Danish family, he became a powerful bishop and ally to the king.
Claim to Fame: Founded Copenhagen. Also, he paid the guy who wrote the first history of Denmark Continue reading 15 December: Bishop Absalon
Name: Absalon
Tagline: Born into a famous Danish family, he became a powerful bishop and ally to the king.
Claim to Fame: Founded Copenhagen. Also, he paid the guy who wrote the first history of Denmark Continue reading 15 December: Bishop Absalon
Name: Saint Lucia, Lucia of Syracuse, Saint Lucy.
Tagline: Born to a wealthy roman family, Lucia swore herself to virginity, and gave her dowry to the poor, somewhat irking her prospective husband. In the end, she was executed by the governor of Syracuse.
Claim to Fame: Saint Lucy is venerated on the 13th of December in many places around the world, particularly in the Nordic Countries. Continue reading 13 December: Saint Lucy
Names: Nicolaos of Myra, Hagios Nikolaos, Sanctus Nicolaus, Nikolaos ho Thaumarturgos (Nicolaus the Wonderworker).
Tagline: Born in the Roman province of Asia Minor, Nicolaus was made bishop at a young age. He took part in the Council of Nicaea, which set down many of the foundations of the Christian church, and received a rumor as a miracle worker.
Claim to fame: Look, he’s the guy who became Santa Claus, alright? Continue reading 6 December: Saint Nicholas