Review of Midsummer

Most of the games that take part in the board game competition at Fastaval are unpublished prototypes. A fair number of them end up being published later on (one of them was recently on Kickstarter). However, one of this year’s crop, Midsummer by Nathan Hook, was already available on the print-on-demand service by the time Fastaval rolled around. And if you like strategic hidden identity games, you might just want to give this one a look. Continue reading Review of Midsummer

Fastaval 2016 Retrospective – The Board Games

Previously, I posted about my roleplaying experiences at Fastaval. Well, after discussing it with the other judges, I’ve decided to give you a look back at my board gaming experiences from Fastaval – that is, my experience playing some of the games designed for Fastaval. I played four very different games, at varying degrees of completeness. I also played two games before Fastaval, but I’ll skip those here. And so, I give you here below my four boardgaming experiences from Fastaval. Continue reading Fastaval 2016 Retrospective – The Board Games